Time management comes hard to most of us, trying to complete as many tasks as you can in a set time can be daunting and often frustrating without properly setting your workload out and planning a schedule.

Here are some tips to help with this and helping you manage your time and workload more efficiently.

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1.) Focus

Distraction can be your greatest enemy when it comes to your productivity. Little things can easily make you lose focus and throw you off track. A couple of tips for this one that you will have heard before but still may not be doing:

Firstly, set yourself a timer or reminder just so you have something to go by when working, this can be every 10-20 minutes or whatever suits you and your workload, this should help you stay on track if your mind does tend to wander.

Secondly, put everything to one side that isn’t related to what you’re doing, this includes the internet, people, even your phone can be a big distraction, put them out of site while you focus on getting done what you need to.

2.) Schedule your obligations

As good as a plan seems in your head its not half as useful as scheduling this plan you have so you can stick to it. Putting your plan together on a calendar will help you focus more on your work instead of having to try and remember what you’re meant to be doing next. Stick to this schedule and you should find yourself more productive.

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3.) Effectively efficient

It’s not enough to just schedule and do your best to stick to it, you need to plan out how long your tasks will take you precisely, keeping track of how long a task takes and how you can go about effectively reducing that time frame without losing quality to workload. Once you’ve got an idea of how long a task may take you can plan an effectively efficient schedule which suits your workload and skills.