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That ‘Brand New’ pillow feeling is a great feeling, right? How your head nestles snuggly into it and how it feels great. Unfortunately that feeling doesn’t last very long and soon you’ll find your pillow looking lifeless and a bit lumpy in places.

Instead of going out and replacing those sad pillows, bring them back to life with our handy tips.

Run those pillows through the wash

Don’t worry about putting your pillows through the wash, in fact its great for them, helping them get rid of dirt and allergens, just make sure its set for delicates. And when drying those pillows, make sure its on a low heat and throw in some dryer balls to help really fluff up those pillows.

Try and fluff it up regularly and rotate it

Like you’d fluff up any cushion or pillow, give the pillow a good beating, also helps get rid of a bit of stress. Try and do it regularly to help the pillow maintain its shape. On top of regular fluffing make sure you rotate the pillow every night so each part is being used, its easy to flop into bed with the current layout, but consider the long term and just give it a little flip or spin.

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Consider a pillow protector

Pillows are prone to so much dirt, unless you shower every time you’re about to go into bed this is bound to happen, thus resulting in a matted down pillow. A pillow protector keeps dirt and oils from your head entering the pillows fibers, keeping it fresh for longer.

The better the pillow, the higher the price

It might be easy going for the cheap option of a pillow, especially if you don’t look after it with these steps. But investing in a decent quality pillow comes with better quality of life, and longevity.